FAQ (EuMW2024)

The following frequently asked questions are addressed. Please scroll down to find question & answer below.



Subcommittee Chairs


What format is required for an abstract / initial paper / final paper?

Please refer to the paper submission guidelines, and use exclusively the EuMW manuscript templates. Please note: EuMW review is single-blind as e.g. for EuMA or IEEE journals. Please don't remove author names and affiliations from the manuscript.

What is the difference between oral and poster? What option should I chose?

Oral presentation means a 20 min. talk within a 100 minute session, while Poster presentation requires to prepare a poster and to be present during a poster session. Poster formats are changing, please refer to the guidelines. E.g., posters might be electronically displayed or space for demonstrations might be available.

Posters and talks are considered to be different equally valuable forms of presentation. While you get full attention by the audience when giving a talk, the experts in your field will show up at your poster and stimulating discussions will take place. The reason to decide that a certain work shall be presented as a poster may be, for example: 1) High quality paper requiring a lot of details to be discussed, which might be difficult to explain in a 20 minutes talk. 2) High quality paper of a topic that is not matching any of the session topics, as it might be overlooked in the program. 3) High quality very specialised work of high interest to a small group of experts. 4) The auhtor wishes to present a poster. In this case, we assume that the author feels uncomfortable on the stage or prefers the direct discussion with the audience.

Therefore, please chose Oral as the default. Chose Poster only if you do not want to present a talk for whatever reason. The TPC will respect your decision whenever possible.

Where can I find a list with IEEE keywords?

Please visit https://www.ieee.org/publications/services/thesaurus.html to download a list with keywords.

How expensive is it to publish at EuMW?

Accepted papers need to be presented at the conference, either as a poster or a talk. The associated costs include:

  • Conference registration, which depends on the conference(s) you book, whether you are a member of EuMA or IEEE or a Senior or Student, and on the time of registration. As a reference, last year's fees for EuMW conferences and workshops can be found here.
  • Travel cost to the venue.
  • Accomodation.

Please ensure that you are allowed to publish your paper and that you, or one of your coauthors, will be able to travel to EuMW to present your work prior to submitting your manuscript for review.

I found an error in my manuscript. How can I correct it?

  • If you found a minor error (e.g. typos, add/remove authors or affiliations, changes in the paper title):
    • Prior to the paper submission deadline, please log in, go to "view submitted papers/sessions" and edit the respective submission.
    • During the review period: please be patient. Minor errors should not impact the review result. We will also not forward updates to papers to the reviewers.
    • Prior to the final paper submission deadline: Please correct the error in the final paper.
    • After the final paper submission deadline: We move forward quickly to the production of the electronic proceedings. The company in charge will contact you to proofread the final PDF. That's your final chance for corrections. A paper processing charge might apply at this stage. Please note that these changes are too late to be included in the program that is published on paper or electronically.
  • If you found a major error concerning the scientific content of your paper:
    • Prior to the paper submission deadline, please log in, go to "view submitted papers/sessions" and edit the respective submission.
    • After that date, contact us to withdraw the manuscript. Please understand that the high workload and strict time schedule of the technical program committee requires us to review only the manuscripts that are received upon the deadline in the form they have at this date. Please contact us early since reviewing a flawed paper, processing it in case of acceptance, and removing presentations from the program increases our workload.

I want to withdraw a submission

Prior to the submission deadline, you can withrdraw your submission on your submission overview page (using the "Actions" button and select "Withdraw paper"). A withdrawal will set the status of your submission back to "incomplete". It is still in the system but not visible to reviewers.

After the submission deadline, withdrawals are strongly discouraged. In any case, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can remove the manuscript and inform anyone affected.

Will there be a deadline extension? Can I submit a late paper?


Can I publish a preprint / publish the paper on my university server?

The status for EuMW2023 is the following: By submitting your manuscript to EuMW, you agree to the statement of exclusivity: "Neither this material nor essentially similar material has been submitted to any other publication, preprint server or meeting, and, in case of acceptance, will not be until published at the European Microwave Week 2023." Preprints are not possible

In case of acceptance, it is mandatory to transfer the copyright to EuMA. If you wish to provide your paper e.g. for download from your university server, you need to request the permission. A short email to the EuMA HQ is sufficient. Please don't forget to give the citation.

What is the status of my paper?

Authors will be informed about the review results on the day published on the conference website. No individual status updates will be given prior to that date. After this day, please log in, go to "view submitted papers/sessions".

A paper is not listed in my account!

No problem! It can happen that you don't see all papers that were submitted by someone else.

  • For privacy reasons, the system will not reveal your personal data to any other person. If you are the co-author of a paper, or your paper was submitted by a colleague, they can't access your account.
  • The system allows you to open many independent accounts as long as you chose another username.

We will manually merge accounts refering to the same person, and all your papers should show up in your favorite account one after the other. Your username and password is not affected. As this is is done manually, please be patient!

My paper was rejected. Can you tell me why?

As a general rule, we do not provide feedback on rejected papers. Please keep in mind that EuMW receives about 1000 manuscripts that are reviewed on the highest professional level within a very short time frame. Based on these reviews, a decision is made after a detailed discussion on the individual manuscript by experts in the field at the TPC meeting. Writing helpful and respectful comments to the authors of rejected papers would significantly increase the workload on the Technical Programme Committee. Since a conference doesn't allow for revise-resubmit as it is possible for a journal, the comments would also be of limited use.

Rejection of a paper may be for a number of reasons other than originality and quality of the content, including suitability for presentation at the conference, incomplete information, interest to the microwave community, more suitable for presentation to a different audience or more appropriate for submission to a journal.

I am not happy with the review decision. Can you revise it?

Unfortunately not.

Concerning rejected papers, we respect the decision of the Technical Programme Committee. As this is a conference, we have no possibility to revise and resubmit followed by a second round of reviews.

Concerning accepted papers, please keep in mind that organizing a conference of 600 contributions is tedious. Once the program is finalized and published, we try to keep it as it is.

How can I upload a final manuscript?

Login to the paper management website and view your submitted papers. Go to the accepted paper and select "Actions" and "Upload or edit final manuscript". After final manuscript submission the symbol in the paper overview should show "Paper submitted" for the manuscript.The old "Abstract version" of your paper is no longer relevant and does not need to be updated.

How can I apply for a VISA?

Please check the information on the conference website. For more information please send an email to visa.chair.eumw2024@eumwa.org.

Where can I get more information on the conference registration?

Please check the information on the conference website. For more information please send an email to the operational officier operations.officer.eumw2024@eumwa.org.

Where can I find templates for the ePosters and Oral presentations?

Information on the templates can be found on the conference website eumweek.com


I see no papers in my account!

Please contact us when you have been invited by us as reviewer but you do not see any papers in your account.

Why do I get a separte reviewer account?

The system allows for multiple accounts per person. When we set up all the reviewer accounts, they will be independent of possible accounts that were created by authors. However, we will merge accounts in the background that obviously belong to the same person. After some time, everything should be accessible from each of your accounts. As this is a manual task, please be patient!

I have a conflict of interest for a paper

You should not review a paper in case of a conflict of interest. E.g., if you are an author, working with the same group or are otherwise personally involved in the work. The system will not assign papers for review to one of the authors, but we can't catch all cases automatically beforehand. If there might be a conflict of interest concerning one of the papers, please notify your SC chair or the TPC chair who will assign the paper in question to another reviewer.

I would like not to review a certain paper

If you can't review a certain paper, e.g. because of a conflict of interest, since it is absolutely out of your area of expertise, or since you are running out of time, please abstain from the review.

Indicate your abstain by selecting "abstain (I will not review this paper)" on the score sheet under the category "Suggested Disposition". Don't forget to save your abstain at the bottom of the page.

How to finalize my reviews?

It is not necessary to finalize reviews. All scores that are entered into the system at the end of the review period will be taken into consideration.

Do I need to write comments if I recommend the rejection of a paper?

Yes, please! We will not forward the comments to the author in case of rejection, but comments on papers are valuable input for the TPC when they discuss the outcome of the review and decide on acceptance or rejection. Writing comments is appreciated independent of whether you recommend acceptance or rejection of a paper.

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